Who Is A Passionate Commitment Of Follow Christ?

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1. What do you do that demonstrates a passionate commitment of follow Christ?
The first and foremost step to follow Christ is reading the Word of God. Right after my conversion, I was very curious to know more about Jesus and Christianity. So I started reading the Bible, but I barley understood. Then I was told to pray before reading, asking the wisdom. I did. To my surprise, the Holy Spirit revealed everything to me with clear understanding. The second step is transformation. I found many things in my life to be corrected according to the Bible. The Word of God became a mirror reflecting my inner person to me. As a result, I was fully transformed. I surrender myself to the Lord to mold me and shape me according to His will. Complete obedience is the third requirement to follow Christ. I must fully obey to all “do’s and don’ts” in the Bible and complete all righteousness; that is not easy. Sometimes, I am driven to some worldly things, which is not right in the eyes of God. Then I feel that I am going away from the Lord which is very hard. So quickly I go back to Him asking His forgiveness. Then the Holy Spirit embraces me and refreshes me with His unconditional love. These are all about the relationship between me and my Lord.
Now I have to follow His footsteps in the community. “God is love” (1 John 4:8). He died for me because of love. Then the question arises; “do I live for Him?” yes, I must. How? People are going to be perished without knowing the Savior, and I am called to preach the Gospel to nations in order to winning souls to the Christ Jesus. Before I was saved, as a medical doctor, I thought that the medical profession was the best service that can save patients’ lives. God taught me that I could not give life to ...

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... God (Ephesians 6:10-18) as my guide line. Discerning spirit is another wonderful gift not to be cheated by people. On the other hand, the challenges are there not to be disappointed, but to be strengthened and encouraged. They shape, sharp and mold our characters. Facing challenges provides the spiritual maturity handling different kinds of problems and issues and dealing with various people as well. Is it not profitable? It is not easy, but I have never been along in the midst of challenges during this journey with Christ Jesus. If I face some problem that I had never before, I straight away go the Word of God and find the answer. The throne of grace is always my refuge, and also I make all of my decisions on my knees. This is how I manage to save my salvation and keep my life holy while living in this corrupted world. It is nothing else, but by His amazing grace.

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