White Supremacy In American History

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David McCullough, a famous American author stated the following about America, “The source of our suffering has been our timidity. We have been afraid to think.... Let us dare to read, think, speak, write”. Similar to this quote, this American history class thought me that in order to have a better future society must think and ask intellectual questions, because the unknowledgeable ones do not have control over their lives and future. Thought this course the five things that interest me were the influence of white supremacy in American history, the struggle that different groups of people had to go through to gain their rights, the effects propaganda during World War II had on the society, how Hitler was able to convince a whole nation to follow and support his plan, and how the past events reappear today. When asked what is the main cause of America’s problems through history most people would say inequality or racism. However, majority omits the major factor that created these issues and problems that this country still faces today, which is the idea of white supremacy. White supremacy is the belief that shaped and is still shaping the US and its history, is the lead cause of the problems of the country. This belief states that Propaganda is portraying misleading information usually by using different forms of media to promote and convince the public to follow a cause or point of view. During the war, the government created posters with slogans “I want you for the US Army”, and comics with characters like Captain America were created to convince the public that in order to end the war and stop Germany they should either become soldiers or offer financial supports by buying war bonds. These images portrayed America as the protector of the world when in reality the booming of Japan which the Americans did had caused the death of many

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