When Was Math Invented

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Math has developed extensively over the past few centuries. Unlike sciences (such as anatomy, biology or chemistry) that are constantly changing and still confuse even the brightest of minds today, math has been consistent for hundreds of years. Although it can be said that the methods of using mathematics and the math was communicated has changed, this does not mean that the concepts were at any time different. So was math discovered or invited? Well to an obvious extent, math was both discovered and invented. However, I strongly believe that the math we use and know today exists all throughout nature, simply not in the same way we may think of it now. For example, a man made stop sign has 8 even sides and angles. In nature this may not exist …show more content…

However, it isn't really the math we are inventing, more so the theories and mathematical techniques that we invented. But these techniques would all cease to exist without the rudimentary knowledge of mathematics. If a first grader is shown a derivative, and explained in depth on the concept of derivatives, it will be impossible for the student to ever be successful in that type of mathematics due to the lack of basic mathematical concepts. Calculus consists of a couple steps of calculus, followed by a plethora of steps of algebra. This is where the line between discovered and invented begins to make itself a bit more transparent. As humans, we did invent calculus and further level math concepts, but as recently explained, these math concepts would not exist without the primitive knowledge of basic math. Essentially, the math we discovered is similar to the atoms of the periodic table, the compounds formed with those atoms are similar to what we consider higher level math that is not so easily found in …show more content…

As calculus was formed, there are example given that can exist only theoretically and not in nature. For example, imaginary numbers. These are numbers which do not exist in reality, only in theory, calculators omit them, and their quantity is irrelevant since the value does not truly exist outside of the theoretical world. In this sense, math had to have been invented at some point. We searched in nature for sequences and patterns and math in all ways possible, until there comes a time when we create our own number sequences derived from naturally occurring sequences which may lead to the production of new patterns that are no longer existent in the natural world. Now, if we take that man made creation (derived from nature) and make it a standard for the rest of the world, the world will then use this to create more sequences and patterns. Although the first sequence may have derived from nature, it does not exist in nature. It is here where we may begin to see that math may have been invented. But, as aforementioned, that standard sequences can not have ever existed without the discovery of naturally occurring sequences. Hence why I am a proponent of the theory that math was discovered and not entirely invented, only

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