What Was Hitler's Final Solution To The Holocaust

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Could you imagine being targeted by most Germans and possibly be taken to an extermination camp or a concentration camp during World War 2? In 1942 Hitler began the final solution, and targeted Jews, Gypsies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Homosexuals, people with mental or physical disabilities, Communists, Socialists, Asocials, and other political enemies. The Holocaust was a very hard time for the people targeted by Germans and Nazis.

To begin, the Holocaust was the reason for World War two on September 1st 1939. On the baltic sea, A German battleship fired on a Polish fortress on the westerplatte peninsula as as troops hid aboard (Klein, 2014). They had come by air, by sea and by land. Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union had formed a three-way league against Germany, but Poland refused to grant Soviet troops the right to enter their territory (Klein, 2014). Klein Christopher stated, “German Chancellor adolf Hitler, had rattled his saber at Poland for months.” World War two ended September 2nd, 1945.
Next, Hitler’s final solution began July 31st, 1941. The Germans and Nazis created ghettos, movement camps, and forced-labor camps for jews during the war years (Introduction to the Holocaust, “2016”). Adolf Hitler claimed that the people that were targeted were racially inferior (Introduction to the …show more content…

The Nazis purpose in building the camps was to carry out the murder of European Jews as part of the final solution (Introduction to the Holocaust, “2016”). A standard method of extermination was carbon monoxide was released into steal rooms that the Nazis convinced Jews was a “shower”. It would release gas into the chambers and it would suffocate them. Towards the end, a very small percentage of those who arrived in transports to the remaining death camps were selected to dispatch to labor (“Nazi camp”, 2016). There were only four death camps. Auschwitz , Belzec, Bergan and

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