Ghetto Essay

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Before the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, the Jewish people lived all throughout Europe freely, just like everyone else. The Jewish people, mostly lived in Poland, the Soviet Union, Hungary, and Romania. They came from all different walks of life and all had a different life story. The Jewish people were able to talk, dress, and work, how, when and where they chose. They could work as an accountant, a doctor, a teacher, or a farmer. The Jewish people could live their dreams. If they dreamt it, they could pursue it. The Jewish people lived a perfectly normal life as free human beings, the way it should be. The Nazis changed everything when they gained enough power and started sending the Jewish population into ghettos. There, the Jews’ lives changed dramatically. They were confined to the over-crowded ghettos, which were horrible places where no human being should ever have had to experience as they were locked in like wild animals, starved and without other basic human needs.
German authorities explained that the areas known as ghettos were made in order to control and segregate the Jewish people. They also concentrated the Jewish people into large towns near rail lines as a step toward achieving the “final solution” for Jews. The “final solution” was the plan to exterminate all Jewish people from German society. The earliest ghetto was established in October 1939, in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland. This was a small town before the war; it was only home to about six thousand residents. Although after it was turned into a ghetto the small town became something even worse than a prison. The Nazis incarcerated over twenty- eight thousand people at that location. The Jewish people did not hurt anyone or commit a crime, in ...

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