What Role Did Augustus Play In The Roman Empire

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Furthering his impressive resume, Augustus played a significant role in religion during the Roman Empire, being appointed The High Priest of The Ancient Roman College of Priests. He was held in such prestigious regard, for trying to reconstruct the priesthoods. This made Augustus the leader of the Roman Empire, as well a religious leader. He worried about the decline in of gods in Rome and the decline of the Roman Family and Virtue. With that being said, he reintroduced past ceremonies and festivals, including the Lustrum ceremony and Lupercalia festival. Then retried the Ludi Secular (Secular Games), a religious celebration in which sacrifices and theater performance were held. Finally, he established the Imperial Cult for worship of the …show more content…

This made Augustus the temporal head of the Roman Empire and the religious leader. He worried about the decline in the belief of gods in Rome and the decline of the Roman Family and Virtue. With that being said he reintroduced past ceremonies and festivals, including the Lustrum ceremony and Lupercalia festival. Then retried the Ludi Secular (Secular Games), a religious celebration in which sacrifices and theater performance were held. Finally, he established the Imperial Cult for worship of the Emperor as a god and was spread throughout the Empire in a few decades, and was considered to be a significant part of Roman religion (Augustus' Political, Social, and Moral …show more content…

Justinian came to power by being the nephew of Justin (history book pg 202). Justinian was a famous coder and a legislator. He set up commission to produce a new law code of imperial enactments or constitutions that were enacted. Then set up another commission codifying the works of a Roman jurist named Digest. Then later a handbook was published for law students and the institutes. The second edition of the Codex of Justiniaus contained only his laws that were established. Later legislative work of Justinian was best known as the Novellae Constitutiones. In most of his work he was assisted by Tribonian. Justinian prohibited the sale of provincial governorship, governorship concerning a province of a country or empire, the high cost led to the persecution and corruption to recoup the cost. The provincial system was reorganized for efficiency and economy, and some provinces were reshaped by economic factors. The ministers of Justinian ran an efficient system of tax collection, imperial audits, inspection of an individual’s or organization's accounts, and trimming the public expenses (The Emperor

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