Common Characteristics Of Keeping Score

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And that 's the point. We all do things differently, so keep score is solely based on your habits and schedule. Some people are fine with leaving their laundry until they absolutely run out of clothes, but someone who likes to keep things clean would do much more laundry. It 's all about perspective and rituals.

Some common traits that can cause you to keep score include:

- Jealousy: When you feel like your partner is getting more than you.

- Insecurity: When you feel like you need to receive more in order to feel valued or loved.


Instead of keeping score, do things out of love. Do what you are good at and what you enjoy. Do things with the intention of making your partner happy, instead of holding it above his or her head. And, when you don 't feel like doing something, tell your partner …show more content…

You are allowed to feel bad and have miserable days. You are allowed to be moody. You are allowed to want more out of the relationship. But, you have to learn how to communicate in a way that doesn 't offend your partner. Moreover, you have to learn to communicate things to your partner instead of bottling them up and keeping your partner in the dark.

That means you can be mean. You can 't say hurtful things. And you can 't result to the silent treatment in order to punish your partner in some way. You have to learn how to openly talk to your partner in a way that makes them feel good and helps them understand where you are coming from.

Communication is key. And it can be hard. But it is worth it because the angry, tearful, and dirty fights get replaced with working things out and a happier relationship. While it takes practice, the big things to remember are that you have to really listen to your partner, understand why they are saying what they are saying, be honest, watch their body language, stay present during conversations, keep your tone normal, and respond to their concerns with real, not defensive answers.


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