Partner Without Ruining Your Relationship

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How to Change Your Spouse/Partner Without Ruining Your Relationship
"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude" - Maya Angelou
It is commonly said that change is a constant thing. Whether you know it or not, every living and non-living things will go to through a period of change. The clothes you wear will change color or reduce in size due to frequent washing or that you outgrow it.
In relationship, one of the major cause of friction or issue is when a partner tries to change the other or make them conform to his or her belief and ideology about life miraculously. Ko le work! Change doesn't happen overnight, there’s a process and there's a price to pay for it.
For instance, if a man marries …show more content…

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world" - Harriet Tubman
Yorubas in their wit stated that it takes patience to cook a stone to be soft. Don't try it o, or else, you'll waste your gas, it is proverbial.
No change happens overnight. Change is not a miracle, it's a process. If you see change manifest in your life, know that you have done something to effect it or someone somewhere have labored for that change to manifest in you.
You need patience to make your partner be in agreement with you in the areas of your disagreement. Patience is a virtue. It is among the fruits of the spirit. God instill this virtue in you by bringing a difficult person into your life. You don't acquire patience in the college, it's a nature you must imbibe.
How patient you are with your spouse determines how quick the change will manifest in them. …show more content…

Remove the log in your eyes
"And why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?" (Luke 6:41, NAS).
Don't you think most of us are quick to pick up faults in the life of our partner or others without removing the fault finding mechanism in our life?
If you're complaining that your spouse is this or that, don't you have that tendencies hidden somewhere in the fabrics of your soul? Or why are you always seeing the negative?
It will be very difficult for you to change your partner if they are always at fault while you're always the saint. Look into your soul, there could be something in you that causes them to act the way they do. And if you don't remove yours, it'll be difficult for you to remove theirs.
4. Pray for them
"The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays" - Søren Kierkegaard
Have you tried every means to effect change in the life of your spouse and it seems abortive? Try prayer!
Prayer has never been a failure, it's only men that fails to pray or prayed wrongly. If you're ever going to see change manifest in the life of your partner, you must pray for them. You don't pray for them to die o, but rather, pray that God will work upon their

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