What Makes Me Grateful

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Grateful I am grateful to wake up every morning and I am alive. I have been on the verge of death, so I am grateful to be alive to enjoy life's challenges and victory's. I am also grateful for the challenges in life that have made me who I am and because it pushed me in the direction to make myself a better person in life.I am grateful for the disappointment in my life that helped me grow in ways that makes me a better person. I am happy that I can walk. This was never supposed to happen after I was run over by a car twice. I am happy that I can walk with my children, and chase after my grandchildren. This is a simple thing in life, but I am glad I was given the chance to be here to …show more content…

Sometimes the little things in life can be amazing to enjoy. Things like my grandchildren doing well in a school, or when they just hug me out of the blue. This is a wonderful feeling to have. I am grateful for laughter in my life. This is one emotion that is amazing, because there is so much sadness and hurt and angry in the world, that when a person can just be happy and laugh even for one moment it makes the world feel so much better. My children are the one thing that I am so very grateful for. That and the chance to be here with them to enjoy what life has to offer us all. I am grateful for the time I have been given to be with them.. Time was given to me and has given me a second chance to learn and be there to see my children become amazing adults. I have been here to see my children grow and watch them graduate and have their ups and downs in life. My son I have watched him be an amazing man through the 11 years so far in the army, promotion after promotion he has risen in ranks. He is still moving forward, and I cannot begin to express the pride I have for him. My oldest daughter has made a amazing career for herself helping others with mental disabilities and cares for so many people. She has chosen this path in her life, and I am very proud of the choices she makes. My youngest daughter is learning

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