My First Thanksgiving

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Three hundred long years ago, ninety Wampanoag Native Americans and fifty three pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving. Thanks to the Native Americans, the pilgrims actually survived and had a successful first harvest in the New World. Just as the pilgrims were thankful for the Native Americans, I am grateful for many aspects of my life. I am very thankful that I have a loving family, amazing teachers and coaches, and a faith which teaches many lessons. Compared to much of the world, I am extremely fortunate. To begin with, I have a caring mother and father. They provide important essentials; food, water, and shelter. My parents also allow me to play soccer, one of my favorite hobbies. My father also helps me train for soccer, football, and other sports. I am blessed with kind hearted grandparents. When I have to get my mind off worries about school, I go to their house and am spoiled by their love and gratitude. Their happy and fun attitude also helps me when I’m sad and feeling down. Another person I am grateful for is my little brother. When my brother and I go out to play soccer or football at the park’s fields, I have realized that not …show more content…

Many teachers have taught me their subjects exceptionally well, which is very important as I prepare for my future. They have also taught me patience and how to behave appropriately. Over the past years, my religion teachers have made an impact on me. From Mr. Brazil and Mrs. Joyce to Mrs. Gates and Rouleau, I have learned a lot about my Catholic faith. They have educated me about how to live a life following Christ and the Ten Commandments. Outside of school, my soccer coaches, Alex and Christian, have taught me many morals and lessons, including perseverance and hardwork. As well as teaching me life lessons, they have done a fabulous job helping me become a better, more skilled soccer player. Coaches and teachers have been and still are key to me and my

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