What Is This Moment Essay

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The “Ah-Ha” Moment
“What do you love about teaching?” At this moment when I asked my interviewer that question I realized I didn’t need an answer. I already knew the answer similar teachers like me will respond with. It’s that “I get it” moment! When a student’s light bulb turns on, it’s a feeling like no other. Whether it’s a game, a problem, or an accomplishment of a ‘C ‘grade, it a wonderful feeling. On October 29, 2015 that feeling was shared in figuring out the dream of teaching with an educator I interviewed who I thought would never be a part of my life after high school. In this interview I will tell how interestingly we re-met, the background of this teacher, my thoughts before and after the interview, and finally a reflection on my …show more content…

Fast-forward a year after high school, with completing basic training for the U.S. Army, and completing worthless general education goals, you find myself, Brad Budnick, struggling to figure out what the hell he is going to do in life. But how did I meet this teacher and how does this relate to college? A couple months into my first year in college I was working at The Detour, a regular bar in Minnesota City. One day as I am washing ketchup spattered tables and cleaning peanut covered floors, a women walked through the door with a couple of friends. I realized she was a teacher at my high school that I always seemed to notice but never had. They all sit down on the wooden chairs surrounding the table and I begin to take their order. In the back of my mind, I am thinking to myself, “How awkward is that I am serving a teacher.” I think nothing much of it and continuing taking their order. About a half an hour passes and the population of the bar has gone down to the teacher and her friends, myself, and lastly the bartender. Since, most of my chores were complete at the bar, I ask the group with the teacher how they are doing? They reply with compliments of the food and the great service, but also a question by the teacher. She …show more content…

Aspenson is, “Tell me about yourself?” Without missing a beat, she said “I don’t know!” Realizing she wasn’t joking we both laughed, and she continued, “I am a mom, grandma, and teacher.” She describes how she enjoys learning and wants keep learning which is a key part of the job she explains. This is very similar to a topic I found at edweek.org, a non-profit teacher education source. They explain that when a teacher has the opportunity to keep learning they will remain there best for years to come. Reflecting on this, I see that I am off to a good start with teacher. I am very willing to learn and do better even though I dislike it much like accounting. Subjects I really excel in include technology subjects which must be kept up with year and year in order to keep up with the growing technology

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