What Is The Theme Of Maturity In The Secret Life Of The American Teenager

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On an opposing note, the television series, The Secret Life of the American Teenager, started in 2008, season five, models the importance of maturity in a successful relationship. Over the duration of the five seasons the drama was focused around one of the main couple’s Amy Juergens, and Ricky Underwood. This pair began their journey through high school getting carelessly pregnant from having sex at band camp. The irony of the season is that they are aware of their inadequate capability to recognize love, yet the romantic melodramas continue due to the tremendous immaturity. For example, Ricky tries to discourage his little foster brother, Ethan, from having sex for the first time. He reveals his personal experiences by saying, “Wanna know …show more content…

The idea of love is confused with the excitement of having a partner without the feelings to support the relationship. Through the season, Ricky’s physical attraction to Amy is lust driven, however his justification for marriage is purely regarding their son. In a moment of anger, Amy spills the truth she is hiding, “After everything that we’ve been through, we both just deserve to be madly in love when we get married,” (Hampton season 5 episode 24 00:38:09-00:38:25). Amy calls off their wedding because she comes to realize that she has spent the last four years of her life chasing after someone she did not love as a companion, instead just the father of her child. Hindsight, the entire on and off relationship all started because of an accidental high school pregnancy that pressures them into feeling like they must get married to fix their past. For instance, “Amy: I know that you love me Ricky, but you aren't in love with me. You’re just marrying me because of John. Ricky: What difference does that make? Amy: All of the difference in the world,” (Hampton season 5 episode 24 00:34:40-00:34:57). The consequent to their immaturity is a life time of regret forcing a relationship for all the wrong reasons. Although this couple has an unfortunate sad ending, not all high school couples break up or call off

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