Meghan Daum's Virtual Love

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Virtual love - love behind technology. Is this real love? Today love revolves around dating apps, online chats, and non-stop texting where people can hide behind a phone or computer screen. In Meghan Daum’s “Virtual Love,” she received an online message from a guy known as PFSlider. After reading the chat, she ignored it until she received another email where he admitted he had a crush on her. PFSlider, being from Los Angeles, and Daum from New York, agreed to meet for lunch on his yearly trip to New York. The two communicated back and forth everyday and their online relationship progressed. They arranged a meeting at a restaurant in New York where PFSlider obnoxiously talked and talked as Daum became annoyed. PFSlider continued to message and send flowers. Although Daum was upset from their first encounter, she decided to give the relationship another chance. After traveling to Los Angeles, she described the relationship as unfulfilling and ended it. As Daum concludes with, “Even if we met on the street, we wouldn’t recognize each other, our particular version of intimacy now obscured by the branches …show more content…

In the eyes of middle schoolers, love is texting until the early hours of the morning, smiling in the hallways, and maybe exchanging a few words in science class. I can remember staying up until one in the morning texting and Snapchatting boys. Texting makes it easier for a person to become someone they wouldn’t be in real life. Because of this, our middle school selves developed relationships that weren’t real. We would think it was true love until the next day at school when we couldn’t even talk in person. However, like every other teenage relationship, it resulted in a breakup over text. Middle school relationships were effortless, they didn’t mean anything, and could end in just a

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