Apology Of Socrates Essay

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As Socrates is being put on trial, a young philosopher, Plato documents him trying to defend himself to Athens. Socrates is defending both his name and philosophy in the court room. One theme that seems to occur throughout the Apology of Socrates is that death is something to look forward to, not something to fear. Socrates is more than willing to die for what he loves, philosophizing, and has a first-hand account with the Delphic Oracle telling him that philosophy is the right thing to do. Even though the court tries to accuse Socrates of not believing in God or religion, Socrates demonstrates through his words that he does believe in something higher and afterlife. Also, the Socrates demonstrates through his actions and beliefs that religion …show more content…

First, he went to the politicians. Athens connected power to being wise. In Athens’ eyes, politicians are wise because of their power and persuasive speech. After talking to some politicians and figuring out their actual knowledge; he came to a conclusion. Socrates figured out that politician’s think highly of themselves and are actually lacking wisdom. The politicians preach things that they actually have no knowledge on. Wisdom is being able to recognize one’s ignorance towards something. This is the exact opposite of what the politicians do. They portray that they are wise and all knowing but actually they aren’t. Socrates believes that only the Gods are perfect and all knowing. This made Socrates come to the conclusion that wisdom is not power. The second group, he visits is the poets. Poets work shows the ideal on how to live and gives us our ideas on heroes/villains. Poets show the people the insight on how to live life. But ultimately wisdom isn’t fame or popularity. The poets seem to show wisdom in their work but really they don’t understand their own work. Also, poets seem to think that since they have knowledge in their field, then they must also have knowledge in other areas as well. When in actuality they don’t know what they are talking about. The third group was the craftsmen and technicians. Socrates finds out that this group indeed knows things that he doesn’t which makes them somewhat wiser than him. But the craftsmen and technicians think that since they have authority in one area than they have authority in all areas which makes them not wise. By the end of his mission to prove the oracle right, Socrates figures out what makes someone wise. Wisdom is acknowledging what one doesn’t know. The Oracle of Delphi and Socrates’ journey makes one come to the conclusion that Socrates ultimately does believe in a higher power like God even though he does not come right out and say it. Later

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