Protection Motivation Theory Paper

2012 Words5 Pages

Introduction The research efforts leading up to the culmination of a dissertation produce results that should arguably contribute to the theory utilized and for the advancement of knowledge. Whether research is used for a dissertation or conducted for other purposes, research and theory are interrelated (Harlow, 2010). The symbiotic relationship between research and theory allows theoretical contributions to occur. Corley and Gioia (2011) stated that contributions to a theory increases the understanding of an identified phenomenon based upon the usefulness and originality of the research study. Another perspective for a theoretical contribution was articulated by Cornelissen and Durand (2014), which stated a contribution to theory is made …show more content…

Two main components for the protection motivation theory exist, which are threat and coping appraisals. Threat appraisal is the defined as the process one uses in evaluating fear that is perceived based upon a specific situation and/or how the use feels they are threatened (Siponen, Mahmood, & Pahnila, 2014). Coping appraisal is the response a person takes to the threat (Vance, Siponen, & Pahnila, 2012). In the development of the protection motivation theory, Rogers initially identified three components of fear appeal, which are perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, and response efficacy (Johnston & Warkentin, 2010). In subsequent development, Rogers added self-efficacy that was further used as a construct in other studies (Crossler et al., 2014; Johnston & Warkentin, 2010; Yoon, Hwang, & Kim, 2012). The protection motivation theory threat appraisal consisted of the perceived susceptibility and perceived severity constructs, while response efficacy and self-efficacy fell within the coping appraisal component. Response efficacy is a users belief that their action or actions will be successful in protection from a threat; self-efficacy is the actual competence to fulfill the necessary action needed for the response to a …show more content…

(2012) discussed the development of the protection motivation theory as a theoretical framework to understand behavior as a response to information obtained concerning threats and/or dangerous behavior. Crossler et al. (2014) discussed the protection motivation theory being utilized to further understand user behavior as the behavior pertains to security and compliance with applicable security policies. The theory has been widely used in the preventative health discipline (Prentice-Dunn, McMath, & Cramer, 2009) and in the security of information systems (Crossler et al., 2014). The current utilization of the protection motivation theory adds response cost as another factor. Response cost is another construct used in the protection motivation theory that assists in examining user behavior when adhering to policies and defined as the cost perceived as a response to threats which include time, money, and other resources necessary to counteract the threat (Yoon et al.,

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