What Is The Difference Between Donald Trump And Andrew Jackson?

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Donald Trump and the Legacy of Andrew Jackson When these two presidential elections taking place in 1828 and 2016, they were in completely different time periods with completely different technology. In the 1800’s there was no such thing as twitter which is the first difference between them. Although Jackson did not have twitter and he wasn't able to tweet to his fans. He did have the ability to gain knowledge by being subscribed to over 17 newspaper articles, Trump is losing knowledge from spending his whole life on twitter. Like between any election there were similarities and differences between the two. There were three main similarities between Donald Trump and Andrew Jackson. During these two elections these presidents won the votes of many white working class men.These presidents maintained their loyalty, and acted as …show more content…

Jackson's way of business were mixed with his public duties. While Trump decided to have a mixture of his estates, while campaigning for his presidency. They had different ways of handling their critics. And probably the biggest difference is their military experience. Like said, since Jackson was in the Army as a general he took land from the Indians, which him and his friends later purchased for cotton plantations. When Jackson was running for president he appointended a friend to handle and settle his business affairs. When Trump is yet to separate himself from his business. Donald Trump has the habit of addressing his critics and enemies in media appearances, speeches, and tweets. Andrew Jackson decided to engage in duels, and even killing one of his opponents. Although part of this was because of the time period, and the difference in them. Lastly and probably the largest difference between them is their military experience or in Trump's case, the lack. As known Jackson was a general in the army and Trump has no experience in any

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