What Is Sports Destroying Education

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Sports isn’t a destroying education. It doesn’t drop grading or the learning curve. If you don’t do well in school, then you can’t play sports at all. Some may think that, ‘oh it’s all about glory and popularity’ when it comes to being on a sports team, but in reality it’s about having fun while still having to do school work, and to hang out with friends or make new friends and become more social.
Schools in other countries are just about learning. No sports, or after school clubs, nothing of that sorts just learning. Amanda Ripley is trying to say that every school in the U.S. is only focused on the non-academic side of school, like teams and school spirit. That’s not true, she says that schools are telling kids that it’s okay to not be good …show more content…

Not everyone likes sports. Not everyone goes to the games or the pep rallies. Like I’m not the most athletic person so I am not on a sports team, I don’t like going to a game every week, sometimes the pep rallies are lame, so the schools aren’t more focused on sports more than learning. And I know people who are on teams and focus a lot of their time doing homework and stuff rather than talking about sports 24/7.
Not everyone who joins a sports team is in it to get fit or for the competition, some do it just cause it’s fun. They probably just want to distract themselves from school with some fun sports. Kids who do sports to stay fit, well that’s still good for them, it’s not a crime to want to be fit, while being on a sports team.
In Kevin Kniffin’s article he states that ‘people who play high school sports get better jobs, with better pay. Benefits that last a lifetime.’ Good things come from doing sports in high school. People who get a scholarship because of their sports, which means that they also did pretty well in their academics to complete the scholarship which helps them in life. “person does sports, get a scholarship, work hard with both sports and school in university, gets a degree in something while still going sports, graduates, stops doing sports after a while, gets a really good job, gets lots of money, has a family, and boom life is great for that

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