What Is Political Correctness

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Political Correctness: For Better or For Worse? The average person can see political correctness every day: Whether it's a headline from BuzzFeed, or an article relating to gender or identity politics, it is clear that political correctness has infected the United States', and the world's, culture like the Bubonic plague infected Europe. Political correctness should be used for describing political situations accurately, and correctly, and being generally correct, such as calling a man "him" or a woman "her". Now, it is being used to avoid offense. An innocent and admirable trait, but why should anyone have to avoid offending someone with words? Political correctness is defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary as being terms to describe language policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society. PC is used in everyday life: From calling people by their preferred pronouns, which can go into the “Pronoun Game”, where you can be criticized for using the wrong pronoun, whether it is on purpose or on accident; From using racially correct words and terminology, which, if ignored, can be misconstrued as being racist or racially/culturally insensitive; From avoiding anything that can be viewed as being insensitive, racist, offensive, or otherwise seen negatively. …show more content…

Political Correctness can be good for practicing tolerance for other people’s beliefs, or another culture and their way of

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