Censorship On College Campuses

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Within the spectrum of debate, no matter your political affiliation, the discussion can become heated but beneficial to society. There is a vast majority of emotional baggage that could come with specific topics such as White Supremacy and Radical Feminism. Though, with this type of discussion, an increase of censorship and political correctness seem to be on the rise–making these varieties of arguments difficult. Censorship is the suppression of speech, and political correctness merely described the avoidance of different forms of expression, go hand and hand to the difficulty of free discussion–especially on college campuses. Besides engaging in a debate with diverse individuals, students fear that they cannot speak their views without public …show more content…

Daryl Davis, a black man who is known for convincing many Ku Klux Klan (KKK) to leave their group, would prove this point. Davis managed, as stated in an interview by the National Public Radio, sat down with many members of this organization and discuss their different beliefs. This conversation, as he explains, managed to help 200 Klan members to discard their racist robes and open their eyes to true equality. If Daryl David can convince the KKK, known for their hatred of minorities, to leave hatred– so should we. Without this discussion, those members could still take part in that hate. Some may disagree with Davis, since white supremacy is active today and most likely aids the delay of full equality, but he is instructing change. By allowing people to express these types of feelings could, while helping others see different perspectives and dismissing their hateful views, could aid society to a more peaceful community. These beautiful changes cannot happen unless society begins to understand this discussion is needed. College campus should be the beginning of these conversations since college, besides the backlash that may occur, is a safe place where students should continue this challenge as they continue to adulthood. The change will not come overnight for the whole …show more content…

The view of equality for all may of not changed but the view of feminism has. The definition of feminism, which is the advocacy of women’s rights according to dictionary.com, has changed. Although, “there is strong public support for egalitarian gender roles [and] gender equality” this has changed to "only a small proportion of Americans identify themselves as ‘‘feminists’’ (Houvouras and Carter). For college students this change, “[ranges] from analyses of feminism as a social movement to studies of individuals’ identities, perceptions, and behaviors” (Houvouras and Carter). From this article Carter and Houvouras conclude that the reason for college students straying from feminism is because of different definitions. The authors express, “an individual’s definition of a feminist may serve as a mediating factor between beliefs and attitudes that support feminist principles,” but I disagree. I believe that people are leaving feminism due to the hysteria rising from the movement. As Christina Hoff Sommers explains, “[some] feminists out there [are] trying to get scientists to change the name of the Big Bang Theory,” which is the current explanation for how the universe began, “because [the theory] is sexist and frightening to young women”

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