What I Learned In My Writing Class

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I have learned so much from this class, mainly that if you speak up after not speaking for most of the class people stare at you, a lot. Actually what I really learned was how to take criticism, not to heart and learned to use most of it in my papers. Also very near the end if I chose to speak up nobody would judge me, so even if it was just a bit I tried to comment. On to the writing, I realized is that I have learned a lot and have much more to learn. There are things that during my writing process didn’t cross my mind, now I find myself double checking for too many ‘I’ statements, ignore the ones throughout, and also to consider a different approach on things. One thing I thought was used very well in my papers was details or imagery, but apparently more was needed, so those things were very important to pay attention to, every detail counts. …show more content…

The biggest struggle for me was reliving a moment that I found too tragic to write, but I pushed on through and found a sort of relief to get through it. Writing the paper I had so many emotions and a sense of wanting to tell this story so fast that it seemed rushed to get to the end. I have learned that explaining and giving further detail is a very important thing in the papers, and it has come in handy in further papers. This paper definitely needed more explanation after a thorough

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