What Does Service Learning Mean

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In the article “Service Learning at a Glance,” author Linda Adler-Kassner argues that, when planned and developed carefully, service learning is beneficial to both students and the community. Service learning involves a long-term partnership between students in a composition class and a community organization, as opposed to regular community service spanning only a short period of time to fulfill the imposed requirements. Due to the fact that service learning is more effective in helping the learning, networking, and helping the community, it truly is a more productive system than community service alone. With precise conceptualization and organizing, service learning has the potential to better educate the students involved. Many students retain more information with hands-on procedures rather than simply lectures. Composition classes, which are usually lecture and textbook heavy in curriculum, can benefit from this new approach. By integrated the lesson plan with a related community service activity, it can provide a clearer connection to improve the students’ understanding of the material. When students reflect back on the material later on, it will be easier to recall the lesson since there is such …show more content…

Nonprofit organizations require a wide variety of talented and knowledgeable people to be successful. For example, students with majors such as business, marketing, science, health, politics, and communications are all in demand. By establishing this sustainable connection, students could potentially find a future career that appeals to them. They will already be passionate about the cause from constant involvement throughout the curriculum, and have connections to important people that run the organization. Therefore, even early in their academic careers, service learning provides helpful networking

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