Essay On Service Learning Experience

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Service Learning Experience During my service learning experience, I volunteered to help the PennyWise Resale Store by assisting them in sorting out the items donated to them. PennyWise Resale Store is a branch of the Fort Bend Women’s Center, which is an organization that helps domestic violence and sexual assaults victims and their children get shelter. The organization is tasked with receiving donated items such as cloths, furniture, and household items, which are used by the organization to help the victims of domestic violence and sexual assault victims start a new and violence free lives. However, some of the items are sold to the locals at a very cheap price and the money obtained from the sales is directed into funding the life-saving programs. During my volunteer service, I had a nice experience, contributed to the society, and I gained more knowledge. First of all, volunteer service at the PennyWise Resale Store was a very good experience for me. On the first day I went to the store, my duties was to sort out items like , cloths, shoes, and books from the donations. After that, I helped in arranging items on the shelves and tidy store displays and merchandise. On the second and third …show more content…

This experience helped me to improve my communication and critical thinking skills, it also taught me how to appreciate the work that this organization do for people in our community since I previously believed that charity organizations are not very useful to the community. For example, the overall experience provided me with a natural sense of accomplishment because I now have a better understanding of the value of teamwork, and I now think about what life is like for a group of people that is often ignored: the homeless people. During my volunteering service, I realize the crucial role that this organization play in helping the less privileged and the abused in the

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