What Does It Means To Be Involved In A Christian Church

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As we begin a new year, I hope it is the desire of every believer to want to grow closer to God in the weeks and months ahead. He can then say at the end of 2013 that he has indeed experienced the love of Jesus more deeply and in a more personal manner than at the start of the year. This actually describes the process of sanctification whereby the believer becomes more and more like his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as he makes his way on earth to his heavenly home. One of the most important ways to grow spiritually is to be involved in Christian fellowship. In fact, one can say that Christian fellowship is essential for the spiritual health of every Christian. I am sure all of us know that much of our spiritual vitality comes from our personal …show more content…

Although each organ is a unique entity, its identity is also corporate. In fact, it discovers and expresses its individuality in its relationship with the other organs. Each organ needs the contribution of the other organs, and each organ needs to make its contributions to the other organs. In a healthy and growing body, each organ acts consistently with its identity. Should any organ begin to function contrary to its identity, physical sickness will be the …show more content…

They therefore feel that it is sufficient to attend the morning worship services and then go straight home after that. They are never seen in the ABC and DHW Classes held after the morning service nor do they attend any fellowship or contact group meetings. As a result, they might have attended the church for many years but no one seems to know them. They have truly missed out on the blessings and richness of the Christian life and I dare say that they are probably living a humdrum, lonely and tasteless Christian life where there is no joy in the

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