Human Soul Reflection Paper

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I believe our physical bodies are vessels for something greater than what can be seen or explored. The essence of who we truly are is within us, and I think this is what is frequently referred to as the soul. So to answer the question, I do not believe you have a soul because I believe we are our soul. The soul can be thought of as the essence of the human being. It is something that is beyond our senses so we cannot touch it, smell it, hear it, see it, or even taste it. To explain the soul is quite difficult because we cannot scientifically prove that it is real or that it is embedded into us humans. I believe in the concept of the soul and that our body serves as its temple. Some people have dark souls, while others have lively souls. To reiterate, the soul is our true essence, our true being. Every time we are hurting, so is the soul. Every time we feel joy, so does the soul. Again, to claim that the soul is real and that it lies inside of you is controversial because there aren’t any systematic efforts to prove otherwise. Regardless, it is something that I accept as true.
When it comes to the human body, there are certain components that make us who we are. It starts with the mind, the soul, the heart, and then our physical composure. Stating this undeniably goes against what we have learned in our many science classes like Anatomy and Physiology. So before I go on, I would like to state that I am well aware that we are made of atoms, cells, tissues, organs, and etcetera. When I say that certain components like the mind, the soul, the heart, and physical body are what make us who we are, I am speaking from a spiritual perspective.
From my understanding, the soul is our truest nature and though it lies inside of us, it is com...

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...can see that to nourish the soul is not a difficult task. There is no need to make a trip to a Buddhist temple, drown yourself with the calming mediation music found on YouTube or convert into a particular religion. It’s all about engaging and releasing, but of course if you wanted to do these things, you are more than welcome.
Once more, the reason we should nourish the soul is because it is who we are. Our lives go from finite to infinite when the soul is awakened and expressed. By identifying with the ego, we are identifying with a social concealment, our desire to prove ourselves worthy, jealousy, past experiences, and even materialism. By identifying with our soul, we identify with our unmistakable worth. The quality of life when resonating with the true self increases and grows more plump, deeper and all-encompassing. When we love the soul we love ourselves.

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