What Does Cause Autism?

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Autism is not one single condition it is a spectrum of disorders ( Chung, 2014). Autism can define as a large continuum from very severe of nonverbal to not as severe known as a smart scientist (Grandin, 2013). The disorder refers to a range of conditions with a struggle in social skills, nonverbal communication, but as strengths in many areas like artistic and mathematics. Those who have autism tend to think outside of the box the world tends to live in that is why is hard to comprehend the disorder.

2. What does cause Autism?

As mentioned before just like there is no one single definition of autism there is not one single answer to what cause Autism. The major ones are the association of an older age of a father during conception, also …show more content…

(Chung, 2014). Chung (2014) strongly expressed how there was an original study once that proclaimed this, but since then it has been completely thrown out and disproved as no valuable evidence to the point the doctor who conducted that analysis has lost their license due to lack of credibility. So overall there is no link between autism and vaccinations even though it was once proclaimed as so it clearly as been disproven as no evidence to support this theory.

b. Effective programs for individuals with autism?

A mentor program is a great program to offer to individuals with autism it sparks their interest. Offering an internship to those struggling to find interest in life will find a desire through a program that offers them specific assignments (Grandin, 2013). Also going to therapy can help with an individual who is struggling with nonverbal skills through different therapeutic methods the child can be taught sign language as a way to communicate and can be an effective program to those who were struggled to communicate (Judd,2015).

What legal information related to autism did you …show more content…

The website even has a whole tab dedicated to families. What seemed very fitting is, "100 Day Kit: A Guide for Families after an Autism Diagnosis" which can be downloaded for free and is created specifically for the families of children under the ages of 4 and under to help make the transition of understanding each other easier. Also, the prevention from wandering helps make everyone around the child aware of their disabilities and how to handle a situation if the child were to wander off and having that great support system makes life easier for parents.b. teachers c. others in the

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