What Does Being A Theater Teacher Mean To Me Essay

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Baty 1 Hola, I am your typical twenty-year-old college freshman. Ha-ha, sike! I am anything but typical. I am an introvert, but I am determined to stand out from the crowd. I am determined to reinvent myself regardless of what society may have to say about my decisions. Once I have spent four or five years of my life and thousands of dollars, that I do not have, on a college education I fully intend on being a high school theater teacher. A lot of people think I am crazy for pursuing that field. I mean, how many people want to deal with high school students? They are rude, disrespectful, as well as at their most vulnerable point in life and in need of guidance. Had it not been for a few of my high school teachers, I doubt I would be writing this essay. We need more teachers who want students to be …show more content…

I honestly have no idea what program I will choose to associate myself with, but chances are it will be a sport or a creative writing club because those are my interest. Whatever I choose though I plan to create a safe and open environment so that the students will feel comfortable enough to reach out to me and discuss issues and troubles that they may be facing in their home lives. I want to be more than just an adult to my pupils, I want them to see that I came from beginnings the likes that they are experiencing now and that things get better. What I intend on giving back to my community isn’t going to come in the form of money nor materialistic things, but in the form of hope. Hope for a brighter future, hope that our youth will do what we never could do, hope that one life has been saved by a kind listening ear. It is often too easy for someone to get money and let their life revolve around it, when the things that truly matter cannot be found in a store but inside one

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