Money Rhetorical Analysis

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Money money money…

There are hundreds of songs about it, there are references to it in thousands of movies, there are annoying advertisements telling you what you should spend your money on, and then there’s advertisements telling you that you need someone else to manage your money.

We work hard for the money that we have, we stress over not ever having enough and we lose sleep over it. However money can also bring us a sense of security and comfort and it can help us sleep at night.

Money is such a consumable part of many people’s lives. Whether you have money or not, people always feel like they need more, people are always wanting more.

Despite all of this though, money is just pieces of coloured paper, stamped metal or numbers …show more content…

Walking back to the apartment we were both feeling pretty bummed and annoyed thinking that we have just wasted all this money that we had worked so hard for. After a little while of complaining I turned to my friend and said this: “It’s going to be okay. Yeah it sucks that we had to spend that much just to park the car somewhere, but at least we had enough money to afford it. Yeah it sucks that we worked hard for that money, but we will earn it back quickly and we will have forgotten all about it. Yeah it sucks but we earn money so we can spend money and so there is just no point getting upset about it because there is nothing we could do or could have done to avoid it.” She turned to me and said, “Thank you, that is exactly what I needed to hear right now.” At first I thought she was being sarcastic but she genuinely meant

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