Week 3

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Week 3’s goal is to continue to build up endurance, reinforcing proper techniques and developing good habits. You will strengthen your aerobic activity and learn how to challenge your metabolism to burn higher amounts of calories and fat. You will advance your speed, resistance, and power. You will consistently stay within an upper moderate range of peak performance. Ultimately, you will routinely be working on a 65 minute time period, and incorporate one, two-a-day workout into the routine to bust through plateaus.
If you are looking to mix it up off the preset programs, here is mid-level long program that you can add once a week.
Use the manual mode on the machine. If using a machine with moveable handles, push and pull with effort, change your grip from the middle to the top of the handles as this will work different areas of the back.
Mid-Intensity, Long Intervals (60 minutes)
Setting: Manual. You’ll increase your intensity by adjusting the ramp and the RPM.
1. Begin with a 5 minute warm up; perform five 5-minute intervals at an effort level around 6.
2. Low ramp, Low resistance, high RPM at 5 minutes
3. Between each interval, recover with 3 minutes at a moderate intensity (effort level 4-5) by slowing your RPM.
4. Med ramp, Low resistance, high RPM (backward pedal) at 5 minutes.
5. Between each interval, recover with 3 minutes at a moderate intensity (effort level 4-5) by slowing your RPM.
6. High ramp, Low resistance, high RPM at 5 minutes.
7. Between each interval, recover with 3 minutes at a moderate intensity (effort level 4-5) by slowing your RPM.
7. Med ramp, Low resistance, high RPM at 5 minutes.
8. Between each interval, recover with 3 minutes at a moderate intensity (effort level 4-5) by slowing your RPM.

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...end of the week. You are getting more fit. You have increased your endurance; your heart muscle is stronger and there is more pep in your step. Of course, your legs are sore from all the use, but if you’ve been doing the wall squats daily, you can probably feel the muscle firming up by now. Don’t overlook stretching! Everyone’s body is different and results vary, but this week you should have really noticed changes. Your body is kicking into overdrive to burning away stored fat.
It’s time to review your diet. Is there excess in your diet or have you skipped or cut short any workouts? This is a good time to tweak those items. By now, you’ve realized how important it is to chart your food and beverage intake. Counting calories works and it’s a simple formula: If you burn more calories than you take in that equals weight loss. The hard part is putting it to practice.

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