Working Out Research Paper

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I always have a good attitude before, while and, after I workout. Working out makes me mentally and physically feel better about myself. I think any kind of physical fitness is a huge confident boost for anyone. I mostly do cardio, I don’t have that much background knowledge in lifting but I also like to do ab workouts. Running is just so convenient when it’s nice outside or when you go to a gym. I run every evening with my mom at a trail I would say to the end of the trail and back is a mile. I also run with my asian friend Alex Tran, we try to run 2 miles every now and then. I can definitely see improvement in my endurance level. There is always room for growth when working out so I hope to improve, as of right now I feel as if i’m on the …show more content…

Both the mile and the pacer test almost identical things but they’re not exactly the same. The mile you’re on your own and you have to be the one to push yourself. The pacer you follow along to a video and you gradually increase in speed. Another strength is flexibility we test this by doing the sit and reach. My last strength is abs, we test this by doing sit-ups. We do this by having 1 minute and we have a goal to get to. My fitness weakness is push-ups I can do push-ups but I definitely struggle. My strengths are the ones I spend the most time on like I said in my profile, I try to run every night. I don’t get around to doing push-ups every …show more content…

I’m going to mix it up and do it more elaborate but, I want to have simple challenging exercises that don’t require any equipment. This will be easier and more convenient. I will plan to do this 4 days out of the week because I think it’s important to have a couple off days to let your body rest and recover. I will plan to mix it up everyday so it’s more exciting and so I don't get bored with it. I will plan to do every workout every time I workout. I will also split it up and do it for 1 complete hour. As the days increase the more difficult I will make the intensity. I feel this workout plan will work the best for

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