ASS Training Program Analysis

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- This training program is not intended to be a peaking program and should not be used directly leading up to a meet. ASTS incorporates a large amount of lifting variations that can be used to target lagging muscle groups and/or increase the strength of prime movers in the competition lifts. The majority of lifting volume will directly come from the competition lifts

- This program consists of 6 continuous training blocks. Each workout should be completed in the chronological order from start to finish. There are 36 total workouts, therefore, it should take approximately 7-8 weeks to finish the program after adding in rest days (~ 2 time per week).

- The best times to take rest days would most likely be after workouts number 3 and workouts …show more content…

This is the number of reps a lifter can theoretically complete after finishing a a submaximal set. This principle will be incorporated in both heavy and lift variation workouts. High volume, high frequency training can be extremely taxing and (RIR) system can help to prevent burnout or injury. A score of 1.0 means the lifter is extremely confident they can perform another rep. A score of 0.5 means a lifter is uncertain if they perform another clean rep or it may be a “grinder”. A score of 0.5 should be avoided if …show more content…

It is almost impossible to progress a movement that is not practiced frequently. A large amount of variation will not produce optimal results. The main reason why geared lifters experience success with this style of training is due to how testosterone affects the CNS. (1) Fatigue recovery, geared lifters can recover from a much higher level of lifting volume when compared to a natural lifter. This means geared lifters can spend more time practicing a skill and perfecting their body’s ability to recruit motor units. (2) When taking steroid the CNS will better be able to recruit high threshold motor units even during a novel stimulus. The rate in which a geared lifter can progress is substantially faster than a natural athlete.

- The transfer of training effect = This principle states that every exercise can help to improve a competition lift to a varying degree. Movements that more closely mimic a competition lift will have high degree of carryover. Lifting variations for this program were chosen based on how closely they mimic the competition

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