Wealth-Finder Survey: My Five Greatest Strengths

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According to the strength finder survey, my five greatest strengths are: positivity , restorative, includer , adaptability, and responsibility (Gallup,2017). However, I knew I had the strengths of showing positivity and responsibility. I'm also ecstatic about finding out about the other three. I've learned to utilized positivity and responsibility in my early childhood years. Growing up I learned that I'm responsible for anything I may do in life. This made me into the responsible person I am today. Also, I've always thought positive, and showed positivity to others. Although, I have utilized being an includer as well. I've discovered this growing up with my siblings, I never wanted anybody to be left out of anything. I plan to utilize adaptability and restorative to become a better person. In conclusion, my five strengths will help me become very successful in life. I plan to utilize these strengths every chance I get. Therefore, …show more content…

This allows every individual to know there strengths, and how they work with others as well. Also, according to there strength finder survey they may be able to place the individual where it fits them. I think developing this type of technique will help utilize the organization better, because they are focusing on each individuals strength. However, this may help employees perform better and help organizations better cope with individuals strengths and weakness. Therefore, knowing employees strengths this could help organizations place there employees where they are stronger. So, this could set them up to a successful outcome. I believe placing employees where they have strengths will help them work well under pressure. Organizations my face less problems because that individual is able to handle whatever situation they may face. Finally, I believe having employees find there strengths and utilize them in the work place would be a

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