Watson's Aviorist Theory Of Consumer Behaviorism

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Many principles of Watson’s behaviorist theory are used in modern advertising. Advertisers realized the best way to manipulate consumers was through their emotions. Ads that make the consumer feel happiness, love or fear and anger will force them to formulate a decision on the product being advertised. For example, according to the Taiwanese movie ‘Twelve Nights’ directed by Raye, is about to advocate the prevention of abandonment to animals. We ask ourselves whether we love pets while watching the video or seeing the trailer. While seeing a sad-looking dog with a sappy ballad in the movie trailer, those pictures give the grief to viewers, and this sadness might cause more and more consumer to buy the movie tickets to cinema to support this film. The advertiser stimulates an emotion in the consumer in benefit of this cause.

The behaviorist view of consumer behavior argues that consumer decision is made unconsciously and influenced by environmental factors. Dijksterhuis et al. (2005) stated that a large number of choices are actually made unconsciously and to a large extent affected by the environment, which in complex decisions prove conscious deliberation. For …show more content…

In Thinking fast and slow- The author of the book, Daniel Kahneman (2011) takes us into the insight as our perceived thoughts are divided into slow and fast. When we see an image or advertisement for example, we surely and quickly reflect what we see, and it might influence or feelings. We think unconsciously at that moment. However, when we see the math problem, we might think about the progress and hopefully figure out the answer as soon as possible. We proceed through a sequence of steps. The process was deliberate, effortful of slow thinking, this is kind of consciousness. This concept can be applied in discussion that consumer behavior in both sides which means we sometimes consider our next step before we

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