Love: Loss And Negative Aspects Of Love

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Love, even though is construed as being a positive aspect of life, it has one negative aspect: vulnerability. Being vulnerable in love can lead to potential pain and risk. According to Merriam-Webster, being vulnerable is defined as “capable of being physically or emotionally wounded”. For example, let’s look at a woman named Janet. Janet has been romantically involved with three guys, and all three guys have cheated on her throughout their entire relationship. Janet now feels so angry and feels like she can’t be loved or love again after all that she has been through. Janet has not been very lucky when it comes to love. Janet believes she has established a pattern with the men she dates. She believes she only attracts the cheating kind of guys. Let’s fast forward a couple of months, Janet is still in the same emotional stage. Janet one day comes across a guy named Jim, who shows a romantic interest her. Jim knows all that she has been through in her past relationships. He promises her that he will not be like the last few guys. He will be faithful and truthfully love her. Her is Janet being promised something she has always desired to feel: true love. Janet decided to take a risk. She decides to risk being cheated on, heartbroken, …show more content…

Scott Peck states, “There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community”. As humans we have to take risks, to prove our vulnerability. It takes people in a town, church, school, workplace, and etc. to create a sense of vulnerability in a person or a group. Without people life would cease to exist, and there wouldn’t be any form of peace to establish. Love, even though is construed as being a positive aspect of life, it has one negative aspect: vulnerability. Being vulnerable in love can lead to potential pain and risk. Edward Tulane experiences pain and risk as a result of being in a vulnerable state throughout the entire

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