Love Poem Analysis

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A song I recently heard entitled, “What is love” sung by Veronika Bozeman really speaks from the heart about finding out what love really is. She sings, “I would tell you that I love you tonight, but I know that I 've got time on my side. Where you goin '? Why you leavin ' so soon? Is there somewhere else that 's better for you”, she tells us that she loves this person but is afraid to tell them because she don’t know if they would leave or look for someone else; someone better. This is the feeling that most of us linger with. We want love, we want to be loved and we want to give love but sit around wondering what if the person I say these three words to doesn’t say it back or simply the feeling isn’t mutual. Indeed it is a very scary feeling …show more content…

This first struck me, as Brooks would write a poem about love and how it feels to be in love, a fairy tale love. Instead, she writes of what it feels like to be in real love, the good, bad, and ugly. When you are young and you read the words “To be in love”, you interpret it differently. You only see the good, a perfect state of what love is; the “honeymoon” stage. In the poem it states “To be in love / is to touch things with a lighter hand”(1-2) which would support this stage in a relationship. Brooks starts the poem off with these lines to describe a more simple time, a euphoric state in the relationship. This is how everyone thinks when he or she is young. You have no true sense of what love really is or what it truly feels like to be in love. But this isn’t why Brooks put this title on this poem. She wants to explain the purest form and most related, relevant, and honest concept of being in love; so Brooks gives you some bad and ugly. The poem goes on to say “He is not there but / you know you are tasting together”(9-10) this is where things could get ugly. When in love you want your partner around, a lot, primarily during this honeymoon stage, but when they are not there it gets lonely. You have dedicated yourself to this person and they are not around to enjoy life with you. Younger people wouldn’t be able to handle this true love but any adult know that when you …show more content…

To be in love simply means to be human. You can’t help but to fall in love a couple of times in your life and I don’t expect for you to not think that the love won’t hold and that it won’t hurt. Just know that if it does hurt and it does end and you do fall “into the commonest ash”(32) get up and don’t give up on love. Everyone has someone out they’re for him or her and that just wasn’t your one and that’s perfectly fine just don’t give up on something that is so special to life. Love is “golden” and we all deserve to feel the gold that comes our

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