Vocal Leadership 7-A-Day To Communication Mastery Summary

2010 Words5 Pages

Review of Vocal Leadership: 7-Minutes-a-Day to Communication Mastery by Arthur Samuel Joseph

Abstract: This paper explores the communication techniques described by author Arthur Samuel Joseph in Vocal Leadership: 7 Minutes-a-Day to Communication Mastery by linking them to the field of sports communication. The review of the book suggests that the techniques can be employed effectively by sports participants, regardless of the repetitive nature of the concepts presented in the book.

Arthur Samuel Joseph, founder and chairman of the Vocal Awareness Institute, and a world expert on communication strategies is the author of Vocal Leadership: 7 Minutes a Day to Communication Mastery, an insightful and carefully-designed tool aimed at improving and cultivating leadership skills. A teacher and a mentor, Joseph focused his lifetime research on developing an unique and comprehensive communication style that is able to encompass different essential communication techniques such as body language, storytelling, or verbal and nonverbal expression. The book teaches communication mastery using a disciplined program of interdependent steps which can bring the speaker closer to the audience in an intelligent and effective way. …show more content…

Joseph adapted his training techniques into a 7-minutes, highly effective program able to generate satisfactory results in any context, regardless of the speaker’s innate leadership or public speaking skills. Highly dedicated to his mission of changing the world through voice, Mr. Joseph has written his book in an attempt to re-establish in a fast-paced world the vital appreciation for an efficient and rewarding communication, either it is live or based on

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