Virtue And Holocaust Analysis

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We live in a world where atrocities happen way too often. The cause of these atrocities; the world’s silence in the face of irrefutable evil, and mankind's likeliness of being manipulated. Throughout the history of mankind millions of atrocities have occurred, one after the other, after the other, this is based solely on the fact that we have not truly learned the lesson of our wrong doings. From atrocities within our history, such as slavery and the Holocaust, to the trail of tears and pearl harbor, we took the same lesson from each incident. The lesson that hatred and fear can be used as tools to change and control people, and from that hatred and fear, chaos develops and begins to spread. Many of these atrocities occurred due to avertable circumstances. The Germans vulnerability, the world's ignorance, individual fear, and religion all contributed to these heinous times and massacres. There is no question that the silence and inaction of the world in the face of irrefutable evil resulted in the senseless loss of millions of lives.

These atrocities teach the lesson of the premise of hatred and animosity. They give us the key to preventing such atrocities from occurring again. Yet, somehow we …show more content…

Today, many Germans express collective guilt while others try to deny the severity of the Holocaust, or that it actually happend at all. Today, some Germans have tried to promote the “forget it campaign” with the end intention of restoring their good name. They recently tried to introduce a law to stop any more Nazi trials because this served only to perpetuate the legends of the gas chambers, the crematoria, and the torturings. Many Germans who do not express collective guilt believe that no German was ever a Nazi, and also deny that these atrocities ever

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