Virgin Of The Rocks By Leonardo Da Vinci

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The Renaissance era began in the late fourteenth century and was known to be very popular later throughout the years. Many artists captured many beautiful things throughout this time through their drawings, paintings, and sculptures. There are so many drawings, painting, and sculptures throughout this period however, I will only get to tell you about two of these beautiful paintings. The first painting is The Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci which was started in 1483 which is now located at Louvre Museum in Paris, France. The second painting is Virgin and Child with a Multitude of Animals and Plants by Albrecht Durer which was dated in 1503 which is now located at Albertina Museum in Vienna, Australia. These paintings are both from different Renaissance eras. Leonardo’s painting is from the Italian Renaissance while Durer’s is from Northern Renaissance. These two paintings are very much alike but also have some differences as well. These painting show some similarities between the elements and principles of art. …show more content…

This piece of painting was made from oil. The oil painting shows two different pictures that have the same theme. Oil pants were used for the pigments in art (ItalianRenaissance.Org). Using the oil paint brought movement and realism to his painting because of the different pigments in the oil. In the painting the colors help makes a smooth transition between light and dark which also gives the painting texture (ItalianRenaissance.Org). Leonardo also shows form and composition throughout his painting by making a pyramid arrangement with the figures in the painting

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