Vincent Van Gogh: Post-Impressionist

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Vincent Van Gogh: Post-Impressionist He was born March 30, 1853 in the small village of Groot-Zundert, Holland. His parent’s theodorus van Gogh and Anna Cornelia nee carbentus. He was the older of two sons’. In 1862 he had attempted his first drawing. He went to school in Zevenbergen and studied French, English and German. He had spent a lot of time with his brother to begin a life long correspondence Which today offers the best means of studying Vincent’s opinions, feelings and state of mind. Vincent had been and apprentice for two art dealers from Paris. Vincent had a devotion to bible studies and at one point became an obsession. During 1876 Vincent’s mental & physical state start to take a turn for the worse. The bible studies ended and he moved to Borinage, a coal-mining district in Belgium. That year was very bleak for Vincent which was shown in his work. He lived in poverty. He continued his work in borinage. He had a religious enthusiasm to help the miners with clothes and food. That he couldn’t even afford himself. He then is relieved of his duties in borinage and moves to Cuesmes to continue his work there with the miners. He paints the miners and the poverty-stricken weavers. In 1880 Vincent’s brother Theo financially supports him, something that continues throughout his lifetime. The same year Vincent taken some formal studies of anatomy and perspective at the academy in Brussels. In 1881 he had his advances rejected by his cousin Cornelia Adriana Vos-S...

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