Vietnam War Failure

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The Vietnam War was unsuccessful for the Americans because of the loss of support back at the United States. It was between South Vietnam and their American allies against North
Vietnam and Viet Cong. The battle occurred between 1954 to 1975. Over three million people were killed during this war in which 58,000 of them were American. The United States were trying to help South Vietnam fight communism from taking over. Three reasons for the United States failing to assist South Vietnam in battle was because of the withdrawal of U.S forces, the Tet Offensive, and suspended military funds.
President Richard Nixon in the United States made a decision in 1973 to withdraw from the Vietnam War. The previous president, Lyndon B. Johnson sent U.S troops to fight against North Vietnam and Viet Cong around the 1960s. During 1966-1967 both forces expanded which created a monstrous amount of casualties. The United States did not want to risk losing more and more troop to the Vietnam war. Little did he know they were so powerful, Johnson left the resolution of cancelling assistance from the …show more content…

In the Vietnam culture, “Tet” is the lunar new year in which many people visit their relatives to spend the holiday as a family. It was not only the most important holiday to the vietnamese, but the holiday about peace and tranquility. Northern vietnamese leader, Ho Chi Minh and the National Liberation Forces (NLF) decided to attack major cities, towns, etc., during this holiday in 1968. Thousands of Viet Cong and North Vietnam forces struck throughout South Vietnam, causing a huge impact on the war. It killed, injured, and affected many people which caused the Vietnam government to migrate villagers, or they would leave on their own for religious purposes. The communist government of North Vietnam’s goal was to stop America from bombing them. This was the main reason for the removal of the United States

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