Video Games Beneficial Essay

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Why Video Games Are Beneficial For Children Nowadays as many as 97% of all US kids aged 12 to 17 are playing video games, and contributing to the $21.53 billion domestic video game industry (1). It is even almost certain that whoever is reading this, has played a video game sometime in their life. This is causing some parents and doctors to worry about the health of young kids because the general stigma is that the violence in video games is bad for kids and detrimental to your health . However video games are actually beneficial for children because of their social, mental and physical benefits. The first and most substantial benefit video games offer has to with the social aspects. Opposite to what many parents think, children and teens see video games as a social activity which makes them a good environment to make friends (2). It is also a large part of conversation among students at school, so being involved with video games gives students something …show more content…

They teach children about problem-solving skills and they increase their creativity (3). Many games like the new Super Mario Odyssey require children to use their creativity to problem solve to reach the next level. There also many different ways you can complete a stage so its up to the child's imagination and creativity to complete it how they wish to. Other video games help children learn about strategy in order to win. Age of Mythology is a great example where you use strategy to send your troops to attack enemy settlements in order to conquer them. You have to take your resources into account and choose how much effort you put into collecting more resources versus building up your armies. Video games can also inspire interest in history and culture. Back when I played Assassin's Creed III in middle school. It taught me about the American Revolution. While Age of Mythology helped inspire my interest in Greek and Norse

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