Bullying Gone Too Far

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“Online bullying is not just an issue of technology, it’s an issue of behavior as well.”(Irish Examiner) Bullying these days is more than just ridicule at school, now its been taken even further so there’s almost no escape.(The Globe and Mail) For kids these days, it’s so easy for them to sit behind a screen and type things or post things to hurt other people. Parents may think they track the use of their kids’ facebook or twitter, but there are many more new sites out as apps, you can get on any smartphone. There are sites that you can be completely anonymous and post on other peoples walls or even message them directly. Some young kids may not realize how much they can hurt others, they are too young to understand what their actions can do. I believe they should have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Even though some people think kids are too young to know any better and that they shouldn’t be subjected to adult charges, students should be charged for online bullying because it’s not fair for kids to have no one standing up for them and putting an end to the bullying, if kids are going to commit actions that hurt other people, whether they would say it to their face or not, then they need to deal with the consequences and know better than to abuse technology.
Are kids really too young in this generation? Some people think that kids are too young to know any better and that they shouldn’t be subjected to adult charges. What people don’t realize is that kids are acting way older than they used to, highschool kids these days listen to much more explicit music, attend parties and may consume alcohol.(Pittsburgh Tribune) I believe that if they are going to act like they are old enough to take part in these activities ...

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...etrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/757026123?accountid=45111

Offman, C. (2013, Oct 19). The problem with 'cyberbullying'. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1442933369?accountid=45111

Bullying 'an issue of behaviour, not tech'. (2012, Oct 30). Irish Examiner. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1115656615?accountid=45111

VIDONIC, B. (2013, Oct 19). Apps open secret worlds to children. Tribune - Review / Pittsburgh Tribune - Review. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1443174902?accountid=45111

DeNisso, Alison. "Addressing cyberbullying in and out of school." District Administration Dec. 2013: 18. Student Edition. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
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