Verbonia Building Plan

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Have you ever wondered how much planning and physical strength was needed to create a large city long ago? Well Verbonia, a large Roman city, needed a lot of both physical strength and intelligence due to the planning and construction. Since Verbonia was going to be so big, major planning was needed. Also, due to the time period of Verbonia's creation, much physical strength was needed. Finally, this city was planned to be very large, so with all the homes and entertainment places, extra physical strength and intelligence was needed. First off, major amounts of intelligence was needed for the planning of Verbonia. In the article Building a Roman City it states,"The engineers worked throughout the winter measuring, designing, and drawing." Later in the …show more content…

In the article it states,"This place allowed a maximum population of approximately 50,000. A greater number, the planners believed, would make the city too large and unable to meet the needs of the people." The text also states,"They located public water fountains, the aquduct that would bring water, a central food market, public baths and toilets, and an entertainment center made up of a theater and amphitheater." This evidence shows that the amount of homes and apartments needed was a lot becuase of the large population. Due to the large population, many entertainment places were needed for the residents. All this extra creation caused more intelligence and physical strength to be needed. In conclusion, the city of Verbonia was created with the same amount of physical strength. Verbonia was a large and nice town, that had many residents. The people who created the town put others before them, so they could create a nice city. Many things that were not needed, were added to the city. Overall, Verbonia was a good city that was created from intelligence and

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