Varying Concentration of Rennin and Its Effect on the Goagulation Time of Milk

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Varying Concentration of Rennin and Its Effect on the Goagulation Time of Milk

Scientific Knowledge


Enzymes are large molecules, which are protein in nature. They are

biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions in the body.

They operate by a "lock and key" method. The Enzyme has a certain

"lock" (active site) that only a specified substrates "key" will fit


Enzyme action


A proteolytic enzyme that speeds up the coagulation of milk. It is

usually found in the tissues of a calves fourth stomach. Its purpose

is to coagulate the milk in young animals so that the proteins have

time to be extracted, rather than flowing straight through the

digestive system. This particular enzyme catalyses the conversion of

the protein in milk (caseinogen) into paracasein. This forms a thick

curd in the stomach meaning the milk can be exposed to Rennin for a

greater period of time.


Milk is an almost complete food. It consists of proteins (mainly

casein), salts, fat and milk sugar, or lactose. It also contains

vitamins A, C, D, certain B vitamins, and small amounts of others.

Factors That May Affect The Reaction

Ø The concentration of Rennin

Ø The concentration of Milk

Ø The volume of Rennin

Ø The volume of Milk

Ø The temperature of the reaction

Ø Agitation

The factor I have chosen to explore is the concentration of Rennin

because I believe that varying the temperature of the reaction is very

hard to control and therefore may be inaccurate and agitation is a

very simple investigation. I have a prediction for the investigation

concerning the concentration of Rennin, another reason I chose this



I predict that as the concentration of rennin increases the rate of

reaction will increase. I believe this to be true because if there are

an increased number of enzymes, more milk particles will be broken up

at any one time into the substance, which coagulates the milk,

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