Ut Prosim Reflection

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Ut Prosim (That I May Serve) has echoed my interests of helping others and my communities throughout my childhood. At Eagle Ridge, Middle School, I volunteered to collect food donations for my Guitar teachers and became the team photographer for the school yearbook. During my years at Briar Woods High School (BWHS), I spent many hours in the Ashburn and Gum Spring Libraries to promote literacy initiatives by teaching children to read and preparing fun and crafting activities. I have also volunteered for several local county activities such as the Loudoun County Parks, Recreation, and Community Services (PRCS) and the Loudoun Medical Reserve Corps (MRC). At the PRCS, I helped with after school activities by preparing sports equipment for adults and individuals with disabilities, and supported camp counselors with sport activities. At the MRC, I provided support in preparing for any possibilities of medical emergency outbreak to ensure safety of many Loudoun County residents. I am proud to serve my communities in many small ways. Like Eric Greitens, in his …show more content…

While I was a volunteer at PRCS during my senior year at BWHS, I had the opportunity to work with John, a seven grader from Stone Hill Middle School in Ashburn, VA. John had epilepsy at a very young age. Epilepsy is a neurological condition which affects the nervous system and is also known as a seizure disorder. I was assigned to work with John each Wednesday since we connected very well from talking about Sony PlayStation 4 games – Super Smash Bros to playing “Marco Polo” water game since John loved the water. The water exercises helped John tremendously to reduce his seizures. I admired his courageous despite his disorder and discovered myself to be more patience, a better listener, and more compassionate person with others throughout this

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