Using Physical Accounts Failure To Explain Miracles In Scripture?

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Since physical accounts fail to explain miracles, and the acts above are all explained as acts of the Lord or miracles in Scripture (Resurrection of Christ—Romans 6:4–5; Ephesians 1:19–20; Parting of the Red Sea—Exodus 14:13–18, 24–30; Jesus walking on water—Matthew 14:32–33). There is Divine testimony that these acts were supernatural.

From a scientific point of view, people today who have been beaten or stabbed in the side do not rise from the dead and barefoot men cannot walk on the surface of the sea.
Scientists assume that the universe is prearranged and follows rational physical laws which can be decided by observation. There is a Creator, because God is logical and has enforced or imposed order in the universe.

The universe follows

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