Us Economy Research Paper

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I believe the economy of the United States should first and foremost be used to benefit the

citizens of the United States. International trade is the most effective way for the U.S economy

to benefit the world economy. Special attention to certain countries economies should never come at the cost of U.S citizens. I argue from the standpoint that the best thing for the world economy is to have a strong U.S economy allowing for increase in international trade. Many times trying to regulate or fix another countries economy does more harm to that countries economy because those in charge of the regulation are unaware of political, business, and cultural issues at play. The United States has an obligation to its citizens. The citizens …show more content…

Adam Smith called his theory the invisible hand in his work the “wealth of nations.” When an individual tries to help society or an economy in general he soon finds he is unable to help by focusing on the needs of others. When that same individual focuses on his needs and self interest he ultimately winds up benefiting his society and economy. This theory states that the producer when focused on his self interest creates goods and services, builds business, supports banking with his money, and increases trade. This in turn helps everyone else because jobs are created, products are made, and the credit system is supported. If this person focuses on others success he is unable to create anything or provide anything for his economy. This theory applies to economies of nations. If the United States sets out to fix other economies nothing is created and no new business is started in the U.S. Fixing economies requires money and resources that come from tax revenue which depends on a healthy and expanding U.S economy. If the United States focuses on our economy the invisible hand theory states GDP will rise, inflation will slow or decrease, unemployment will spiral downward, and tax revenue will increase. This will allow for more international trade, lower tariffs, increased exports and more opportunity for the world economy at large. Adam Smiths theory is proven to be true in a free market system which is what the U.S economy is based on. Focusing on the U.S economy is the best way to help underdeveloped countries and trade partners because it increases opportunity and

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