Unknown Risk Vehicle Stop Essay

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Unknown Risk Vehicle Stop. The tactics and guidelines as provided herein are to assist members of the
UTSA Department of Public Safety. It is that every conceivable situation confronting law enforcement officers cannot be addresses. Many instances will require discretion and, at times, deviation from basic tactics.
The following tactics and guidelines are offered to improve police service and enhance safety for citizens and officers. [61.1.7a; 10.1.5] I. To enhance officer safety when initiating car stops, issuing citations and making arrests where the risk to the officer is unknown due to the circumstances of the stop or the vehicle being stopped, the officer will follow these guidelines:

1. Choose the Area of the Stop. When possible, choose a …show more content…

Check Out on the Radio. If possible, check out on the radio before initiating the stop. Give the location first, then the license plate number, a brief description of the vehicle and the number of occupants, if practical. Use the radio well ahead of time.

3. Use of Equipment. Use the vehicle’s overhead emergency lights for the stop. Use first the horn and then siren, if necessary. If you want the violator to move his or her vehicle, use the public address system to instruct the driver where you want him or her to stop. When the violator is stopped, use the patrol vehicle’s bright headlights, takedown lights and spotlight to create a light curtain. If the violator vehicle has tinted glass, use the public address system to command the occupants to turn on their interior dome light and roll down the windows. If the vehicle has reflective tint on the window, dim your headlights, and aim your spotlight at the violator’s outside rear view mirror. When windows are tinted or you view of the violator is obscured, the risk is escalated. When back-up officers arrive, turn off your flashers so the back-up can see you and the violator. Turn off the overhead emergency lights if not needed.

4. Patrol Unit/Tire

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