US Foreign Policy

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US Foreign policy is what the United States of America does in foreign

countries. This may include setting new rules or even controlling the countries’ governments.

What the US does in other countries usually ends up creating a conflict or an uprising in the

region. US foreign policy makes the world very unstable and it causes disagreements between

countries. The Israel Lobby has a great deal of negative influence on US foreign policy. The

US is also very keen to destroy Wahabbist ideas and to exploit countries’ resources.

The Israel Lobby causes a lot of instability and unbalanced power

between countries in the Middle East. The Israel Lobby is the term used to describe the group

of people that influence US foreign policy for Israel’s own interest. There are groups and

organizations such as the AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) which tend to

influence US foreign policy to support Israel and making policies that support the Israeli

government. An example of these interests is gaining territory which is under the control of

other countries. Golan Heights, territory on the borders of Syria and Israel, was controlled by

Israel after the Six Day War in 1967. The US supported Israel a bit in this war and if Israel

hadn’t known that the US was supporting it, it wouldn’t have been part of this war. Israel

knew it had the support of the US and it depended on this support throughout history and

that’s why it has all this extra territory and control over the area. The US supports Israel in all

conflicts, letting other countries with no chance of victory against Israel. This destroys the

balance of power since Israel is allie...

... middle of paper ... he was a threat. By putting a harsh

dictator into power, the US is making the people in these countries suffer and go through very

hard times. This also causes uprises since people want to free themselves from this dictator

who makes their life hell.

The Israel Lobby, the fight against Wahhabism, and the exploitation of other

countries’ resources are only a few examples of US foreign policy. The US does so much

more stuff which cause instability and conflict and uprisings in these areas the US interferes

in. The US just has to interfere with all international affairs and it even interferes with

domestic affairs in countries which the US considers to be important. The US foreign policy

is primarily based on it keeping its global hegemony.

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