UNICEF Conceptual Framework

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2.8.0 Conceptual Framework
2.8.1 The UNICEF’s Conceptual Framework of Under nutrition and Ill health
The Food utilization and nutrition framework developed by UNICEF recognizes three levels of determinants of under-nutrition: the basic, underlying and immediate causes of under nutrition (See Figure 2. 5 below). The immediate causes of the nutritional status at the level of the individual human being are dietary intake and health status. The two factors are interlinked: dietary intake should meet a certain threshold in terms of quantity and quality, nutrient intake should be balanced in terms carbohydrates, protein and fat (macronutrients) and vitamins and minerals (micronutrients) and appropriately absorbed in the human body (Pangaribowo et al., 2013). As an example of the interdependence, loss of appetite is a common consequence of infection and sickness which might further reduce dietary intake (IFPRI, 2012).
At the household level, the dietary intake of specific individuals involves two major issues: what food is being served on the table (household food demand) and who is to eat it (intra-household food distribution) (Weingärtner, 2010).Other aspects such as habits and knowledge about food …show more content…

In bringing out the relationship that exists among these concepts, the study presents a framework that explains how nutrition affects health and agriculture. As pointed out earlier, anything that affects nutrition and health is capable of affecting agricultural outcomes and income (Asenso-Okyere et al., 2011a).Poor nutrition results in Ill health (leading to morbidity and sometimes mortality), low labour and reduced income due to incapacitation of the economically active population also affects the quantity and quality of labor supply to the household because the sick abstain completely or partially from work during the period of illness (IFPRI,

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