UHS Water Quality

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The water quality of the UHS creek is excellent. But even though the UHS has an excellent water quality, it doesn’t mean that all creeks have excellent water quality. Humans can negatively impact water quality in several ways. One of them is by farm runoff. Farmers sue pesticides and fertilizers on their crops. When it rains, these chemicals are washed into nearby rivers. This increases nitrates and phosphates in the water. Algae use these chemicals to thrive. They block sunlight to other living organisms in the creek, which need sunlight in order to survive—like photosynthesis. When the high number of algae dies, bacteria thrive on the dead algae and use all of the oxygen in the water. Because of this, many animals living the creek die. This entire process is known as eutrophication. Another common human source of pollution in creeks is factory runoff. Some factories use water to power machinery or cool machinery down. When this water is put back in the river it contains harmful chemicals. Also, the water is sometimes warmer than the rest of the river and lowers dissolved oxygen in the river and upsets the balance of life in water. (http://www.lenntech.com/rivers-pollution-quality.htm) …show more content…

Engineers, scientists, and/or volunteers place brush, roots, trees and other plants to cover banks. This helps to stop erosion by reversing loose soil. Hard structures like rock or cement are sometimes used too. Some pros is that there is a high chance of success and there is a recovery of streamside habitat. The recovery of streamside habitat occurs because animals use plants as shade and hiding places from predators, the plants affect dissolved oxygen levels, and because herbivores may eat/live in the plants (hollows of trees, fungi and roots). Some cons of this natural solution is loss of existing vegetation and results take time.

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